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Federal Funding for Cancer Research

January 05, 2024 11:22 AM | Katy Monaco (Administrator)

Please take a moment to contact your lawmakers.

The Background: 

Each year Congress must develop and pass appropriations bills to fund the government for the new fiscal year (FY) beginning October 1. Congress was unable to pass its FY 2024 funding bills prior to the deadline. To avoid a government shutdown, Congress passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) that keeps the government funded at FY 2023 levels. The current CR for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI), and the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) goes until February 2, 2024.

Congress must now continue to negotiate funding levels for FY 2024, including the NIH, NCI, and ARPA-H. The Senate Appropriations Committee passed an FY 2024 bill that slightly increases funding for these key programs, while the House Subcommittee’s version of the bill contains cuts.

Lawmakers need to hear from you on the importance of robust funding for the NIH, NCI, and ARPA-H.

The Ask: 

For FY 2024, ASCO, along with the broader medical and cancer research communities, is asking Congress to support the goals of the NCI’s new National Cancer Plan by providing sustainable, long-term funding for biomedical and cancer research. ASCO urges Congress to pass a FY 2024 spending bill that includes at least:

  • $51 billion for the NIH
  • $9.988 billion for the NCI
  • $1.5 billion dedicated for ARPA-H

Why it Matters:

ASCO stands ready and eager to work with the NIH, NCI and the entire cancer community to end cancer as we know it, and our funding request for the NIH and NCI is the first step. Discussions around cuts to discretionary funding this year have added pressure on the appropriations process. It’s vital that we continue to highlight the need for robust federal funding for cancer research.

Please take a moment to contact your lawmakers.


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